Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Add Income To Work At Home Internet Business Site With Online Auction Site

To get a picture about the chances for your work at home internet business, lets look at the key figures of the biggest company in that business: 2 billion items listed, $ 50 billion annual turnover from 170 million shoppers. Over 2 million daily visitors, who spend in average two hours navigating around the pages and listings. Amazing!

Every single second this site sells with $ 1.000, times 60, times 60, times 24, makes $ 86,4 million per day. Over 70 % of online auction site users earn more than $ 50.000 per year, they have what you need. This makes you even more excited: 95 % of users are individuals or work at home internet business owners!

A good thing is that the online auction sites have, what we strongly need: a huge targeted traffic and an infrastucture in place, so what we need is the strategy how to make money. The online auction site is a marketplace and a work at home internet business newbie can start to sell right away, in less than an hour and he get immediate access to millions of buyers, who are actively looking for items.

Now you may already think, what kind of products would sell well in the auction sites? It is amazing that people sell items from cars to motorbikes, from collectibles to small personal items, like knives and everything between the sky and earth!

Find below a simple step by step plan, how to start:
1.First: Pick A Product To Sell!
The experts recommend to start slowly. Sell something from your home, an item which you know and can describe well enough and which you do not need any more. Just one item. This will give you a picture about the selling process.

2. Study At The Learning Centers Of The Auction Site.
Some of these marketplaces have a really professional and easy to follow learning sections, with a lot of articles and other useful material about the business. You can get tips about the products, which are hot sellers right now, how to price them and how to promote your offer to make a decent profit for your work at home internet business.

A working strategy is to find a group of products, which sell over a long period of time, slowly but steadily. This can be slower way to riches, but at least you can control your business much better and keep it in your own hands.

Okay, when you have sold the test products, you can buy products for sale. Hopefully the test sale has showed you some indication about the market potential and the target group. The product know how is one of the key questions in the long run, because people make some questions.

You see, it is wise to sell what you like and know. That way you can get your own style and be ahead of the competition. Nobody can copy your feelings, your personal touch. If some of your competitors will sell the same product, it will be your personal touch, which will differentiate you from the other offers and build a brand for your business.

Like generally in the Net, the brand is what sells. You must obtain credibility or trust among the target audience and that does not happen overnight. But after you are seen as an expert on your field of online auction site marketing, you can easily transfer that expertise into new products, because you are the category expert, not a product specialist. That is very important for the profits of your work at home internet business.


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