Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Influential Liberal'a son-in-law named head of fiscal authority

Romanian PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu named the deputy head of Romanian fiscal authority ANAF Daniel Chitoiu as interim head of the authority on Tuesday. Chitoiu, the son-in-law of Dan Radu Rusanu, an influential member of Tariceanu’s National Liberal Party-PNL, replaces Sebastian Bodu, who was dismissed from office four days ago.

Chitoiu has been acting as deputy president of ANAF since February 2005. He had previously been a financial supervisor at the Romanian Court of Accounts.

His father-in-law Dan Radu Rusanu is seen as a mind behind the scene in Liberal politics.

Chitoiu also served as a member in various boards of state companies including the Savings House-CEC, Radiocomunicatii SA and the Coresi Publishing House.

HotNews.ro, Jan 23, 2007


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