New 3GS Apple iPhone – Why Should AT & T Customers Rethink Before Buying It?
The technology world waited breathlessly late last week for the new Apple iPhone to be released. The new iPhone differs from the former model iPhone by adding some new technologies and devices. Some of the favorite features of the new iPhone is the Spotlight Search which enables users to sort out all of their applications with ease. Instead of going through each application manually, Spotlight Search starts to sort the applications the moment you begin typing your request. The new iPhone will sort the address book feature, web applications, notes and all other applications in mere moments.
Another new feature is the Global Positioning System chip installed in the new iPhone which will eliminate the need for a separate navigation system, for which many consumers pay a lot of money. YouTube is a natural benefactor of another new feature, an included state-of-the-art video camera, complete with professional editing features and an easy upload feature to sites such as YouTube.
Another convenient and important new feature is the enhanced Wi-Fi technology of the new iPhone which provides users with up to 9 hours of battery life. Also, a larger landscape keyboard allows faster messaging. It seems that Apple has thought of everything when creating the new iPhone functions. With additional attachments, the iPhone can be used as a blood sugar monitor, music editing and applications for doctors to make house calls and even can double as a garage door opener.
Granted the every-day professional will never venture far from their Blackberry, it is what they know and are comfortable using. However, there is a large population of technology savvy consumers who have been desperately awaiting new cell phone technology and have pounced at the change to tinker and use their new iPhone 3GS. Emmet B. Keeffe III, co-founder and CEO of iRise, a Los Angeles-based technology firm that develops software for the enterprise market, was one of the first to receive the new iPhone. “It was difficult knowing that my new iPhone was on my desk at work while I was on an airplane”, said Keeffe who could not wait to return from a trip to start exploring the iPhone’s new features. Keeffe, a happy user of the former model iPhone, said that the 3GS is, “much better, because it is faster”. Keeffe admits that he is a technology hound waiting for the latest and best technology, but he said that he also genuinely likes the new features in the latest version of the iPhone. Indeed, the new iPhone is faster, try two times faster than the previous model.
Some complaints about the new iPhone have been mild so far. For example, some consumers are complaining that their air-time contractor, AT&T, has not been able to activate the new iPhones which has resulted in an apology rebate by Apple for $30.00 USD. AT&T vows to fix the problem in the next 48 hours. However, most consumers have reported that it was surprisingly easy to use which might have disappointed some new users because many have been honing their skills in anticipation of the challenge of exploring their new phone. In America, the new iPhone 3GS is on shelves now at many retailers. AT&T is offering an introductory rate of $199 USD with a two year contract for air time.
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