Thursday, August 16, 2007

Heat wave dilemma: halt rehabilitation works or risk workers' health?

Road rehabilitation works were halted on the main roads in Bucharest due to the heat wave that has been affecting the country for the past weeks. On most of the streets, works have stopped even though the companies will not meet their deadlines. However, traffic jams still hinder circulation and people spend hours in traffic, regardless what the thermometer shows.

A taxi driver says that workers should not stop working since if they finish the traffic jams would disappear and people will not be obliged to spend so much time in jams.

Rehabilitation works have destroyed important streets in Bucharest that remain unrepaired and pose risks for children or pedestrians.
Some companies ask workers to work during the night when temperatures are low to avoid any accidents.

Even the main entry from the International Airport to Bucharest is paralyzed because of the heat: rehabilitation works ceased but traffic in the area is mostly impossible., Jul 24, 2007


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