The Black Sea represents one of the major stakes in the global competition for energy resources, concludes an analysis of the Russian paper Nezavisimaya Gazeta on Monday.
The paper analyzes the main direct interests for the Black Sea, adding the oil and natural gas corridors. The main countries with a direct sea interest are Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey and Georgia.
Other countries such as Moldova, Azerbaijan, Greece and others are taken into account since their ports harbor terminals for receiving / sending oil and gas.
When it comes to energy resources, countries classify in: exporting countries - Russia, Romania and Azerbaidjan; countries that do not depend directly on receiving Russian energy supplies - Turkey and Bulgaria; importing countries - all the rest and transit countries that host the pipelines.
Naturally, the main oil and natural gas exporter is Russia. Ukraine and Romania control the current transportation route of both oil and natural gas from Russia and Central Asia to Central Europe, Nezavisimaya argues.
The Black Sea region neighbors important areas in Central Asia: Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and, most importantly, Iran. However, these countries need Russia’s infrastructure to transport their natural richness.
Thus, new transportation routes are projected for oil to pass through the Black Sea on the Balkan pipeline, from the Caspian countries through Caucausus and Turkey. Thus, this would mean that a new corridor would be formed through Turkey and the Meditereanian Sea.
EU’s energy system depends in an increasing manner on the imports of both oil and natural gas. Thus, in 2006, the imported oil quota reached 80%, and in natural gas, of over 50%. In the future, experts estimate that the dependency will grow., Jul 23, 2007
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