Newspapers today read again about the uninominal voting debate: the Electoral Code Committee is about to cast its vote on the issue. Liberals and Democrats threaten Opposition to ally against if the commonly agreed project is not passed.
Also in the headlines, a young Romanian anthropologist publishes the first post-communist book on the miners' mayhem and all their violent outbreaks in the early '90's.
On the EU spotlight again, Romania receives a positive review from the European Commission in a report submitted to both the Council and the European Parliament.
Cotidianul reads about the Electoral Code Committee, which is about to cast its vote on the uninominal voting system. Even though all parties agreed months ago upon voting the project proposed by ProDemocratia, an active NGO in the field, the Committee postpones its final decision.
The paper adds that no decision has been taken yet because the MPs requested time to consult with their parties.
Liberals and Democrats threaten to ally against Social Democrats (PSD) if their MPs refuse to vote the commonly agreed project. Social Democrats, at their turn, argue that all their MPs will cast a favorable vote even though there are a few who menace not to.
However, without the PSD vote, the project does not stand any chance of being adopted.
Gandul goes even further and adds that the delay is due to lack of quorum at the meetings. However, cited officials are optimistic and confirm that the project will pass and reach the Senate where amendments can be made.
The Committee’s vote regards only the basic principles and the type of uninominal voting - a mix one, based on the German example.
Evenimentul Zilei reads about the first complete analysis on the miners' mayhems since 1990 onwards. The author, Alin Rus is a young anthropologist and focuses on the mentality and behavior of the miners.
The book is a step forward towards clarifying the past and people's actions right after the break with Communism which still haunt Romanian politics and politicians.
Critics argue that the book is based mainly upon field research and interviews of key people engaged in the events.
Romania Libera reads that Romania receives a positive review from the European Commission in a report issued Monday regarding EU funds and interests. The report concludes that Romania treats seriously its EU obligations regarding EU fund frauds.
‘Transparent, serious and prompt' says Franz-Herman Bruner, director of the Anti-Fraud European Office, quoted by Romania Libera. Plus, Romania was the first to send its reports and reported the smallest number of problems.
Bruner’s opinion is sustained by Siim Kalas, EC vice-president who agrees that Romania proved to have a proactive attitude against fraud and corruption concerning EU funds.
However, the paper suggests that the report regards the 2006 activity, when Romania was not yet an EU member, but still closely monitored for its future accession.
More in the news:
• The World Tourism Organization report recommends Romania to completely reconsider its tourism strategy to boost its opportunities and attractiveness, reads Evenimentul Zilei
• Gandul cites official statistics regarding the number of complains Romanians made to the European Court of Human Rights, which amount to almost 12.000. Romania is second after Russians, with 23.000 complains.
• Adevarul: Health Ministry is forced to finance hospitals for air conditioning acquisition, due to the extremely hot weather, Jul 10, 2007
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