Thursday, July 05, 2007

Romania Democrats favored for possible early elections and European Parliamentary polls

Romanian Democrats would win early elections if such a poll takes place now and the European Parliamentary elections by a 43% margin, a new survey quoted by the NewsIn press agency shows.

Second best for European elections are the Liberals, with 12% and, while at possible early elections the Social Democrats, the main opposition group, are to receive the support of 19% of Romanian voters.

According to the survey, if elections were held next Sunday, other parties, such as the Liberal Democrats or the Conservatives will not reach the threshold to make it into the Parliament.

When it comes to the European Parliamentary elections, the survey shows that the Democrats are followed by Liberals with 12% and by Social Democrats with 10%. Other parties would gain 8% or less - the threshold to enter the Romanian Parliament.

The survey was conducted between June 1-15, with an error margin of 3%.

These results are slightly confirmed by another survey, quoted by the Romanian Public Television. It was conducted on June 20-25, with an error margin of 2.7%. This last survey attributed 47% to the Democrats, 18% to the Social Democrats and only 13% to the Liberals., Jul 2, 2007


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