Thursday, July 05, 2007

A Hungarian farmer's view on Europe: it got worse after the EU accession

Before accession, Istvan worked in a wood factory in Budapest which had to close after Hungary received the EU membership, due to lack of customers. Thus, he returned home in Batanya unable to find work elsewhere.

Nadicsan Istvan, a Hungarian farmer, has talked to about the traumatizing post-accession effects upon his business.

The story of the EU citizen, living near the Romanian border in Batonya, Hungary is the reverse story of the successful booming careers of other East-Europeans working in EU institutions.

On his return home, hopes vanished as the small village did not prosper at all and, forced by circumstances, Istvan started raising animals and selling them on the black market.

Istvan Nadicsan is the embodiment of the common citizen who even though living in a EU member country barely finds ways to survive.

He argued for that his village lacked investments; the population is not informed about EU fund opportunities available for them and local authorities fail to attract investments in the area that could create jobs.

Thus, he argued, the European Union only worsened his life and that of his colleagues., Jul 2, 2007


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