Friday, June 08, 2007

What the newspapers say: June 8, 2007

Social Democrats stood up Liberals at the "negotiations date" on Thursday, one day before a new round of negotiations. Under these circumstances, none of the possible alliances designed to form a parliamentarian majority seems plausible anymore.
Social Democrats (PSD), the main Opposition party, don't have any success in negotiating with president Basescu and his Democrat Party (PD), nor with PM Tariceanu and his Liberals (PNL).

While most newspapers simply note that the Liberal - Social Democrat meeting yesterday was threw away, Romania Libera quotes parliamentarian sources who told Mediafax journalists about the private phone discussions between PM Tariceanu and the PSD head, Mircea Geoana.

"Mircea, dude, do you really trust this guy?", asked Tariceanu, speaking of president Basescu. "You're gonna get it if you do", was his warning. According to the sources, the discussion was quite tensed and, in only a few minutes, Tariceanu started to shout on the phone on several occasions, the sources say.

Under the new circumstances, Evenimentul Zilei publishes a complete analysis of the situation, finding that the Tariceanu cabinet may survive simply because all the negotiations until now proved to be impossible.

A cabinet formed by Democrats (PD), Liberals (PNL) and Liberal-Democrats (PLD) is utopist and wouldn't even have a firm parliamentarian majority. The Social Democrats seem to be excluded from any government formula.

Liberals won't give up PM Tariceanu in order to cease the war between the presidency and the government. The early elections, organized in case a PSD anti-governmental motion would prove successful, may be organized only in June 2008, which means almost nothing to gain for any of the parties, Evenimentul Zilei reads.

In an interview for Jurnalul National, Adriean Videanu, Bucharest mayor and an increasingly influential member of the Democrat Party, sees the former Interior Minister Vasile Blaga (PD) as the most fit for the Prime Minister seat.

"The most legitimate prime minister for the moment should be a Democrat", says Videanu. "Not because of the Parliament's configuration, but because of the public opinion expressed at the referendum. The ideal solution would be early elections, because there is no way for a new and stable government to be formed for the moment. PD doesn't want an alliance with PSD for the time being".

So, it's settled: nothing changes, although some should change., Jun 8, 2007


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