Friday, June 08, 2007

Politician blocks Nokia 60 MN euros investment

The Nokia group was supposed to sign on Wednesday the contract for opening the construction site where a factory and research facility would be built. The decision was delayed because of an intervention of the Democrat deputy Valeriu Tabara in front of the Parliament.

The former Agriculture Minister opposed the ordinance that allowed Nokia to use 160 hectares of land near the city of Cluj, in the Jucu village.

Nokia plans to incest 60 million euros and create 15,000 new jobs. Company officials expressed their concern, given the uncertainty that now plans upon the legal status of the land.

The Finnish company was supposed to sign the construction contract with the German company Goldback, which would have subcontracted the works towards 20 local companies.

Tabara explained his opposition saying that the land is required for the education and research programs of the Agriculture Faculty in Cluj.

Democrat Party head, Emil Boc, also mayor of Cluj, declared that Tabara didn't speak in the name of the party and that his situation will be analyzed, in order to decide on a penalty., Jun 6, 2007


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