Thursday, June 14, 2007

Petrom opens petrochemical company

Petrom opened a petrochemical company, Petrochemicals Arges, which is scheduled to start functioning independently at the end of 2007, in order to separate the petrochemical processes from the refining procedures at Arpechim, a press release of the group informs.

„The measure aims at the Petrom modernization and follows the international trends in the field. Even more, the measure will allow the new born company to focus on the efficiency improvements and the development of this activity", said Jeffrey Rinker, member of the Petrom board.

Petrochemicals Arges will be owned by Petrom.

The main shareholder at Petrom is OMV (51.011% of the social capital of the company), the State Assets Agency (30.862%), The Property Fund (9.887%), the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (2.026%) and minority shareholders (6.214%)., Jun 15, 2007


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