Friday, June 08, 2007

Majority of Romanians support President Basescu, Democratic Party

Some 58.4% of the Romanian population trusts President Traian Basescu while 45,3% of them would vote for the Democratic Party-PD, Basescu’s main backers, should early elections take place next week, according to a new poll published by social study group BCS.

The poll says 16.9% of Romanians would vote for the Social Democrats (PSD), the main opposition party, while the governing Liberals (PNL) would receive the votes of only 11.6%.

Basescu’s 58% popularity is followed at a considerable distance by that of Central Bank Governor Mugur Isarescu (44.2%) and the leader of the newly formed Liberal Democratic Party (PLD, Basescu’s ally), Theodor Stolojan.

As Romania is considering moves to change the Constitution in order to clear up the balance of power between the President and the Parliament, 41.3% of Romanians say they’d rather have a presidential republic while 26.3% would back a parliamentary republic, the poll shows.

The head of the populist New Generation Party (PNG), businessman Gigi Becali, comes fourth in terms of political popularity, with 29.5% trust among the population. Back in line, PM Calin Popescu Tariceanu, a Liberal, has the trust of only 16,5% of the population, less than ex-President Ion Iliescu., Jun 4, 2007


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