A new scandal is about to burst in the Romanian Justice, after a TV debate with the two parties involved failed to reach any conclusion. Social Democrat vice president Victor Ponta warned about the existence of a letter sent by the European Commissioner for Justice, Franco Frattini, in which the official protests against the latest modifications in the Nat ional Integrity Agency law.
Justice Minister Tudor Chiuariu, participating in the Realitatea TV debate, insisted that such a letter was never sent and the safeguarding clauses activation that Ponta talks about is nothing but a political invention.
Ponta insisted that the letter exists and was presented by president Basescu during the consultations he had with the political parties.
The presidential administration refused to comment on the incident. It seems though, that the subject was discussed on Monday, without any document being formally introduced.
The National Integrity Agency law is supposed to lead to the opening of an institution able to check the wealth of dignitaries. The law was adopted after a series of controversies and, in its final form, it subordinated the institution to the Parliament, thus stirring some discontent among both law initiators and European officials.
Yesterday evening, EC Frattini's spokesman said that no such letter was sent to the Romanian government.
HotNews.ro, May 30, 2007
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