Agriculture Minister Decebal Traian Remes declared on Friday that over 1.2 million hectares of agriculture terrain were severely affected by the draught, NewsIn informs. Only very few of the farmers have insurance for their terrain and will receive compensations.
Still, Remes ensures the populace that there is no reason for the food prices to rise.
"I am not a parliamentarian, I only have the obligation to respect the law. The compensations will go only to those who signed insurance contracts. My intention is to change the law so that all people will have to ensure their cultures", said Remes.
According to the official data, the productivity will drop to 1.6 tons of grain per hectare, much less than the previous years (2.9 tons in 2005).
The new maximum compensation level will be 70% of the expenses until the calamity status was officially declared., Jun 22, 2007
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