Monday, April 16, 2007

Three major decisions expected today in CC

Constitutional Court may discuss today three major cases: the nomination of Adrian Cioroianu as Foreign Minister, declined by president Traian Basescu; the suspension of president Basescu and the Referendum Law.

Even in case it is discussed today, Basescu’s suspension will not be decided upon earlier than next week, and the Constitutional Court will only reach a “orientation” verdict, rather a consultant’s response than a decision. After the decision, the Parliament has to convoke a common session of the chambers in less than 24 hours.

Parliamentarian sources declared for that Liberals may vote in favor of president’s suspension, in exchange for the social-democrats’ vote yesterday, which validated the new Govt. formula.

The Constitutional court must also debate on the Referendum Law suggestions, trying to make the president’s suspension valid with 50%+1 of the expressed votes., Apr 4, 2007


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