Saturday, February 17, 2007

EP approves Fava report on CIA actions in Europe

The final report on referring to the CIA actions in Europe was adopted on Wednesday by the European Parliament, with 382 votes in favor, 256 against and 74 abstentions.
ALDE, the Liberals' and Democrats' Alliance for Europe and the Socialist deputies voted in favor, while the Popular Party representatives stood against, claiming there is no clear evidence in the report's fundamentals.

Populars suggested an amendment to clearly specify tat there was no evidence found about the existence of any CIA headquarters in on Romanian soil.

On the other hand, socialists, liberals and ecologists demand the EU governments to answer to the testimonies of all those who lam being kidnapped from the European soil and tortured by American agents.

In his final report, the European Deputy Claudio Fava mentions 1,245 CIA flights in the European air space for possible transfers of terrorism suspects., Feb 14, 2007


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