At Dreamhack Winter 2006 the organization tried and succeeded in beating the existing world record for the biggest LAN party. Their goal was to get 10,000 people there. As of October 15, 2006, tickets for 10,000 people had already been sold.On the first of December, a representative from Guinness Book of Records officially announced that the record had indeed been broken. The new record is 7752 attendants and 7788 computers connected to the network, although the calculated attendance of DreamHack 2006 was 10,638."
Poze Dreamhack Winter 2006
Locatie si sosirea participantilor
Am gasit si un virus (sau ce o fi m-am speriat rau)
Mai multe poze de la eveniment gasiti aici
Dreamhack este un Lan Party ce are loc de doua ori pe an in Jönköping, Suedia. La editia din 24-25 Noiembrie 2004 au participat 5272 de persoane, la fata locului fiind aduse 5853 calculatoare, toate conectate in aceeasi retea. Acest lucru a fost considerat un record fiind omologat de catre cei de la Guinness Book of Records si Twin Galaxies.
In 2005 au participat 7538 persoane!
La editia din 2006 s-a incercat doborarea (din nou) recordului, si chiar s-a reusit. Pana la 15 Octombrie 2006 se anuntasera 10.000 de participanti Pe 1 Decembrie 2006 ora 18:33, un reprezentant al Guinness Book of Records a anuntat doborarea recordului: 7752 participanti - 7788 calculatoare conectate intr-o singura retea.
Daca doriti sa participati la eventul din 16-19 Iunie 2007, mai multe detalii puteti afla aici. Biletul costa aproximativ 75 euro
Tag-uri Technorati: Dreamhack, Lan Party, Dreamhack Winter 2006, Guinness Book of Records, Twin Galaxies, Jonkoping, Sweden, Suedia
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