Wednesday, January 10, 2007

50,000 Romanian, Bulgarian workers expected in Britain this year

The number of Romanian and Bulgarian citizens that would seek work in Britain this year would not exceed 50,000 this year and would remain stable in 2008, according to a new report by the Capital Economics Consultancy company.

The inflow would be compensated by Czechs and Poles who are expected to leave Britain starting 2009, when they’re thought to secure enough capital to prompt them back to their home countries.

According to the report, some of the Romanians and Bulgarians expected to arrive in Britain over the next couple of years are those headhunted by British companies and institutions interested in physicians, IT specialists and others. But many are expected to try and get work on the black market.

The report is the last among many that have sought to clear up the situation of migrants on British soil after authorities in London saw an influx of some 600,000 workers from the eight CEE countries that joined the EU in 2004 - compared to the expected 13,000.

As such, British authorities established a series of measures last autumn to prevent large numbers of Romanians and Bulgarians to come and work there after the accession of two countries in the EU on January 1, 2007., Jan 9, 2007


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