Monday, December 04, 2006

Potential permanent mission for Romanian energy in Brussels

Romanian authorities pay increasing attention to European institutions as the EU accession date is coming closer, and the trend is followed by companies.

An important part of Romanian energy companies under the authority of the Economy Ministry have recently responded an invitation from EURELECTRIC (The Union of Electricity Industries) to join a visit exchange program at the European institutions in Brussels.

The Romanian state-controlled companies giving a positive response to the invitation are Hidroelectrica, Nuclearelectrica, Transelectrica and Electrica.

That is because “2007 will be a key year for political decisions regarding the European energy policies and the future evolution of the market”, Nicolae Coroiu, general manager at Electrica S.A., said during talks with European Commission representatives.

Romanian energy officials visiting the EC discussed the possibility and opportunity to establish an active and permanent mission of the Romanian energy sector in Brussels to better represent the interest of Romanian state and private organizations and strengthen already existing links between Bucharest and Brussels in this field., Nov 28, 2006


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