Monday, December 11, 2006

Best 50 companies in Romania

The “Business Week” magazine put up the top of the best performances on the market. Metro Cash & Carry Romania leads the top, followed by mobile telephony giants Orange Romania and Vodafone Romania.

The top ten also includes Porsche Romania, Selgros Cash & Carry, ALRO, British American Tobacco, Petromservice, Coca-Cola HBC and Billa Romania, according to a study conducted by Coface Romania.

“Being the first edition of such a top, we can’t say how this ranking differs of what might have been last year, but it serves as a comparison for the years to come”, says Octavian Belu, feature editor at BusinessWeek Romania.

TOP 50 Performers is a classic top of the international magazine BusinessWeek and contains three annual issues: Top Performers, Top Performers Europe and Top Performers Asia.

Dec 6, 2006


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