Monday, October 23, 2006

Romania military service officially optional starting today

Military service for Romanian youth loses its compulsory status starting today at noon, when a clock in central Bucharest, counting the time left (AMR) until the Romanian army becomes fully professional stops. The measure to suspend compulsory military service during peacetime is part of a strategy to professionalize the Romanian army capable of facing the current security context in the world.

In October last year, Romania’s Defense minister officially started the clock counting the AMR in central Bucharest. Exactly one year since, the clock stops today.

The Defense Ministry presented in Bucharest on Sunday its offer to people interested in pursuing an army career.

It comes several days before the Romania celebrates the Army Day on October 25, an event marred by the absence of a full Defense minister, after minister Teodor Atanasiu was suspended in a political row this year and his duties were taken over for an interim period by Corneliu Doritoiu., Oct 23, 2006


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