Friday, October 13, 2006

Deputies butcher law on new wealth checking body

Members of the House Judicial Commission have concluded talks on the National Agency for Integrity-ANI, a body aimed at supervising the wealth and potential abuses or activity incompatibility of Romanian officials. When talks ended, little was left of the new legislation as it was tabled in Parliament, as ANI was turned into a simple official body with little say in what it was supposed to do.

Whole articles of the law that commissioned ANI to rigurously supervise the wealth of Romanian dignitaries were removed, despite the European Commission report in September this year, that insisted on the necessity of establishing ANI as an organism to combat abusive wealth, conflicts of interest and other such irregularities in the activity of Romanian officials.

One of the most important changes was the elimination of the whole chapter that provided practical grounds for wealth controls. The removal was voted by representatives of both opposition parties - the Greater Romania Party and the Social Democrats - but also of the Hungarian Democrats and the Conservatives, who are junior members in the governing coalition.

And the commission voted to pass ANI under the control of the Parliament., Oct 13, 2006


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