The Romanian Commercial Bank-BCR is the first Romanian bank to implement the Security and Labour Health Management System, which sets requirements that allow an organization to keep its risks under control and continuously improve its performance.
“As a result of the audits carried out in July, Moody International unconditionally recommended the certification of the Security and Labour Health Management System. The implementing of this standard is part of BCR’s efforts to align with the European Standards and to observe the Directive 89/391/CEE”, according Gabriel Drilea, head of BCR Human Resources Division.
BCR received, based on third party audits performed by the certification body Moody International, the unconditional recommendation for the certification of the Security and Labour Health Management System, which observes the provisions of the BSI - OHSAS 18001:1999 referential for the certified field - banking activity and support activity.
BCR has also started the project for extending the certification, according to the BSI - OHSAS 18001:1999 referential, for county branches too.
Furthermore, BCR was the first Romanian bank to receive the certification for the Quality Management System (observing the SR EN ISO 9001:2001 provisions), from the prestigious international certification body - Moody International.
BCR is the leading bank in Romania, managing assets in excess of EUR 11 billion. At present, the bank has 456 branches and agencies throughout the country, with outlets in most towns and cities with over 10.000 inhabitants.
Oct 24, 2006
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